Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Microwave oven

Microwave oven

A microwave oven, or a microwave, is a kitchen appliance that cooks or heats food by dielectric heating. This is accomplished by using microwave radiation to heat water and other polarized molecules within the food. This excitation is fairly uniform, leading to food being more evenly heated throughout (except in thick objects) than generally occurs in other cooking techniques.

Basic microwave ovens heat food quickly and efficiently, but do not brown or bake food in the way conventional ovens do. This makes them unsuitable for cooking certain foods, or to achieve certain culinary effects. Additional kinds of heat sources can be added to microwave packaging, or into combination microwave ovens, to add these additional effects.

* 1 History
* 2 Principles
* 3 Design
o 3.1 Variants and accessories
o 3.2 Sizes
* 4 Microwave-safe plastics
* 5 Uses
* 6 Efficiency
* 7 Benefits and safety features
o 7.1 Heating characteristics
* 8 Effects on food and nutrients
* 9 Hazards
o 9.1 Microwave radiation
* 10 Cultural references
* 11 See also
* 12 References
* 13 External links

[edit] History

The use of high-frequency electric fields for heating dielectric materials had been proposed in the 1930s, for example US patent 2,147,689 (application by Bell Telephone Laboratories, dated 1937) states "This invention relates to heating systems for dielectric materials and the object of the invention is to heat such materials uniformly and substantially simultaneously throughout their mass. ... It has been proposed therefore to heat such materials simultaneously throughout their mass by means of the dielectric loss produced in them when they are subjected to a high voltage, high frequency field."

The heating effect of microwaves was discovered accidentally in 1945. Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer from Howland, Maine, was building magnetrons for radar sets with the American company Raytheon. He was working on an active radar set when he noticed that a peanut chocolate bar he had in his pocket started to melt. The radar had melted his chocolate bar with microwaves. The first food to be deliberately cooked with Spencer's microwave was popcorn, and the second was an egg, which exploded in the face of one of the experimenters.[1][2] To verify his finding, Spencer created a high density electromagnetic field by feeding microwave power into a metal box from which it had no way to escape. When food was placed in the box with the microwave energy, the temperature of the food rose rapidly.

On October 8, 1945 Raytheon filed a U.S. patent for Spencer's microwave cooking process and an oven that heated food using microwave energy was placed in a Boston restaurant for testing. In 1947, the company built the Radarange, the first microwave oven in the world.[3] It was almost 1.8 metres (5.9 ft) tall, weighed 340 kilograms (750 lb) and cost about US$5000 each. It consumed 3 kilowatts, about three times as much as today's microwave ovens, and was water-cooled. An early commercial model introduced in 1954 consumed 1.6 kilowatts and sold for US$2000 to US$3000. Raytheon licensed its technology to the Tappan Stove company in 1952. They tried to market a large, 220 volt, wall unit as a home microwave oven in 1955 for a price of US$1295, but it did not sell well. In 1965 Raytheon acquired Amana. In 1967 they introduced the first popular home model, the countertop Radarange, at a price of US$495.

In the 1960s, Litton bought Studebaker's Franklin Manufacturing assets, which had been manufacturing magnetrons and building and selling microwave ovens similar to the Radarange. Litton then developed a new configuration of the microwave, the short, wide shape that is now common. The magnetron feed was also unique. This resulted in an oven that could survive a no-load condition indefinitely.[clarification needed] The new oven was shown at a trade show in Chicago, and helped begin a rapid growth of the market for home microwave ovens. Sales volume of 40,000 units for the US industry in 1970 grew to one million by 1975. Market penetration in Japan, which had learned to build less expensive units by re-engineering a cheaper magnetron, was faster.[clarification needed]

Several other companies joined in the market, and for a time most systems were built by defense contractors, who were most familiar with the magnetron. Litton was particularly well known in the restaurant business. By the late 1970s the technology had improved to the point where prices were falling rapidly. Often called "electronic ovens" in the 1960s, the name "microwave ovens" later became standardized, often now referred to informally as simply "microwaves." Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens were increasingly becoming a standard fixture of most kitchens. The rapidly falling price of microprocessors also helped by adding electronic controls to make the ovens easier to use.[citation needed] By 1986, roughly 25% of households in the U.S. owned a microwave oven, up from only about 1% in 1971 [4]. Current estimates hold that over 90% of American households own a microwave oven.[5]
[edit] Principles
For more details on this topic, see dielectric heating.

A microwave oven works by passing non-ionizing microwave radiation, usually at a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz (GHz)—a wavelength of 122 millimetres (4.80 in)—through the food. Microwave radiation is between common radio and infrared frequencies. Water, fat, and other substances in the food absorb energy from the microwaves in a process called dielectric heating. Many molecules (such as those of water) are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other, and therefore rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field of the microwaves. This molecular movement represents heat which is then dispersed as the rotating molecules hit other molecules and put them into motion.

Microwave heating is more efficient on liquid water than on fats and sugars (which have a smaller molecular dipole moment), and also more efficient than on frozen water (where the molecules are not free to rotate).[6] Microwave heating is sometimes explained as a resonance of water molecules, but this is incorrect: such resonance only occurs in water vapor at much higher frequencies, at about 20 GHz.[7] Moreover, large industrial/commercial microwave ovens operating at the common large industrial-oven microwave heating frequency of 915 MHz—wavelength 328 millimetres (12.9 in)—also heat water and food perfectly well.[8]

A common misconception is that microwave ovens cook food "from the inside out". In reality, microwaves are absorbed in the outer layers of food in a manner somewhat similar to heat from other methods. The misconception arises because microwaves penetrate dry non-conductive substances at the surfaces of many common foods, and thus often induce initial heat more deeply than other methods. Depending on water content, the depth of initial heat deposition may be several centimetres or more with microwave ovens, in contrast to broiling (infrared) or convection heating, which deposit heat thinly at the food surface. Penetration depth of microwaves is dependent on food composition and the frequency, with lower microwave frequencies (longer wavelengths) penetrating better.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Circuit Experiment

Circuit Experiment

As a boy, Thomas Edison built a small laboratory in his cellar. His early experiments helped develop a very inquisitive mind. His whole life was spent thinking about how things work and dreaming up new inventions. The light bulb and movie projector are just two of dozens of inventions.

You can build a very basic electrical circuit similar to what Edison may have crafted as a boy. And you can find out what happens when a current is "open" compared with when it's "closed."

Here's What You need:

1. Penlight bulb
2. Flashlight battery
3. Two 6" pieces of insulated wire (any kind will work)
4. Tape to keep the wire on the end of the battery
5. A small piece of thin flat metal to make a "switch"
6. Small block of wood

An Electrical Circuit
(From humorist Dave Barry's book Dave Barry in Cyberspace)

"Electricity is supplied by the wall socket, which is in turn connected to the electrical company via big overhead wires with squirrels running on them.

"A question many people ask ... is, 'How come the squirrels don't get electrocuted?' To answer that question, we need to understand exactly what an electrical circuit is.

"When you turn on a switch, electricity flows through the wire into the appliance, where it is converted via a process called electrolysis into tiny microwaves. These fly around inside the oven area until they locate the Hungry Hombre Heat 'n' Eat Hearty Burrito entree; they then signal the location to each other by slapping their tails in a distinctive pattern. The workers, or drones, then ... swarm around the queen; this causes the rapid warming that makes the entree edible and leads via amino acids, to digestion.

"This is followed by grunting and flushing, with the outflow traveling via underground pipes to the sewage treatment plant, which in turn releases purified water into the river, where it is used to form waterfalls, which rotate the giant turbines that produce the electricity that flows through wires back to your appliance, thereby completing the circuit.

"So we see that squirrels have nothing whatsoever to do with it. There is no need for you to worry about squirrels; believe me, they are not worrying about you."

Please Note: THIS IS A JOKE!!!

Here's What to Do

1. To make a switch:
* Take the block of wood and stick one thumb tack in
* Push the other thumbtack through the thin piece of flat metal.
* Push the thumb tack into the wood so that the piece of metal can touch the other thumb tack (see picture)
2. Connect the first piece of wire to a thumbtack on the switch.
3. Place the light bulb in the center of this wire piece.
4. Tape the end of the first piece of wire to one end of the battery.
5. Tape your second piece of wire to the opposite end of the battery.
6. Attach the end of your second piece of wire to the remaining thumbtack on the switch.

You've created an electrical circuit.

When you press the switch connecting the two thumbtacks, your circuit is "closed" and your current flows -- turning your light bulb on. When your switch is up, your circuit is "open" and your current can not flow -- turning your light bulb off, just like Thomas Edison's may have done.

The number of electrons we are willing to let across the circuit at one time is called "current". We measure current using amperes, or "Amps".

One AMP is defined as 6,250,000,000,000,000,000 (6.25 x 1018) electrons moving across your circuit every second!

Since no one wants to remember such a big number, that big number is called a "coulomb," after the scientist Charles A Coulomb who helped discover what a current of electricity is.

The amount of charge between the sides of the circuit is called "voltage." We measure Voltage in Volts. The word volt is named after another scientist, Alexader Volta, who built the world's first battery.

You'll remember that back in Chapter 1, we defined energy as the "ability to do work."

Well, one volt is defined as the amount of electrical charge needed to make one Coulomb (625,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons) do one a specific amount of work -- which is labeled one joule.

Joule is also named after a scientist, James Prescott Joule. Do you remember him from Chapter 2?

Voltage, Current and Resistance are very important to circuits. If either voltage or current is too big you could break the circuit. But if either is too small, the circuit will not be able to work enough to be useful to us. In the same way, if the resistance is too big none of the electrons would be able to get though at all, but if it were too small, they would rush though all at once breaking the circuit on their way.

Electronic circuit

Electronic circuit

An electronic circuit is composed of individual electronic components, such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, connected by conductive wires or traces through which electrical current can flow. The combination of components and wires allows various simple and complex operations to be performed: signals can be amplified, computations can be performed, and data can be moved from one place to another. [1] Circuits can be constructed of discrete components connected by individual pieces of wire, but today it is much more common to create interconnections by photolithographic techniques on a laminated substrate (a printed circuit board or PCB) and solder the components to these interconnections to create a finished circuit. In an Integrated Circuit or IC, the components and interconnections are formed on the same substrate, typically a semiconductor such as silicon or (less commonly) gallium arsenide. [2]

Breadboards, perfboards or stripboards are common for testing new designs. They allow the designer to make quick changes to the circuit during development.

An electronic circuit can usually be categorized as an analog circuit, a digital circuit or a mixed-signal circuit (a combination of analog circuits and digital circuits).

* 1 Analog circuits
* 2 Digital circuits
* 3 Mixed-signal circuits
* 4 References
* 5 External links

[edit] Analog circuits
Main article: Analog electronics
A circuit diagram representing an analog circuit, in this case a simple amplifier.

Analog electronic circuits are those in which current or voltage may vary continuously with time to correspond to the information being represented. Analog circuitry is used to interact with the external world: analog amplifiers drive speakers, send to and receive signals from antennas and interact with sensors, such as cameras, thermocouples and photocells. Traditional electronic devices were mainly composed of analog circuitry, but in modern systems incoming signals are digitized (converted into discrete values expressed in binary code) as soon as possible, and output signals are converted back to analog only when necessary.

Analog circuitry is constructed from two fundamental building blocks: series and parallel circuits. In a series circuit, the same current passes through a series of components. A string of Christmas lights is a good example of a series circuit: if one goes out, they all do. In a parallel circuit, all the components are connected to the same voltage, and the current divides between the various components according to their resistance.
A simple schematic showing wires, a resistor, and a battery.

The basic components of analog circuits are wires, resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors. (Recently, memristors have been added to the list of available components.) Analog circuits are very commonly represented in schematic diagrams, in which wires are shown as lines, and each component has a unique symbol. Analog circuit analysis employs Kirchhoff's laws: all the currents at a node (a place where wires meet) must add to 0, and the voltage around a closed loop of wires is 0. Wires are usually treated as ideal zero-voltage interconnections; any resistance or reactance is captured by explicitly adding a parasitic element, such as a discrete resistor or inductor. Active components such as transistors are often treated as controlled current or voltage sources: for example, a field-effect transistor can be modeled as a current source from the source to the drain, with the current controlled by the gate-source voltage.

When the circuit size is comparable to a wavelength of the relevant signal frequency, a more sophisticated approach must be used. Wires are treated as transmission lines, with (hopefully) constant characteristic impedance, and the impedances at the start and end determine transmitted and reflected waves on the line. Such considerations typically become important for circuit boards at frequencies above a GHz; integrated circuits are smaller and can be treated as lumped elements for frequencies less than 10 GHz or so.

An alternative model is to take independent power sources and induction as basic electronic units; this allows modeling frequency dependent negative resistors, gyrators, negative impedance converters, and dependent sources as secondary electronic components.
[edit] Digital circuits
Main article: Digital electronics

In digital electronic circuits, electric signals take on discrete values, to represent logical and numeric values [3]. These values represent the information that is being processed. In the vast majority of cases, binary encoding is used: one voltage (typically the more positive value) represents a binary '1' and another voltage (usually a value near the ground potential, 0 V) represents a binary '0'. Digital circuits make extensive use of transistors, interconnected to create logic gates that provide the functions of Boolean logic: AND, OR, NOT, and all possible combinations thereof. Transistors interconnected so as to provide positive feedback are used as latches and flip flops, circuits that have two or more metastable states, and remain in one of these states until changed by an external input. Digital circuits therefore can provide both logic and memory, enabling them to perform arbitrary computational functions. (Memory based on flip-flops is known as SRAM (static random access memory). Memory based on the storage of charge in a capacitor, DRAM (dynamic random access memory) is also widely used.)

Digital circuits are fundamentally easier to design than analog circuits for the same level of complexity, because each logic gate regenerates the binary signal, so the designer need not account for distortion, gain control, offset voltages, and other concerns faced in an analog design. As a consequence, extremely complex digital circuits, with billions of logic elements integrated on a single silicon chip, can be fabricated at low cost. Such digital integrated circuits are ubiquitous in modern electronic devices, such as calculators, mobile phone handsets, and computers.

Digital circuitry is used to create general purpose computing chips, such as microprocessors, and custom-designed logic circuits, known as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), chips with logic circuitry whose configuration can be modified after fabrication, are also widely used in prototyping and development.
[edit] Mixed-signal circuits

Mixed-signal or hybrid circuits contain elements of both analog and digital circuits. Examples include comparators, timers, PLLs, ADCs (analog-to-digital converters), and DACs (digital-to-analog converters). Most modern radio and communications circuitry uses mixed signal circuits. For example, in a receiver, analog circuitry is used to amplify and frequency-convert signals so that they reach a suitable state to be converted into digital values, after which further signal processing can be performed in the digital domain.

Electrical network

Electrical network

An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical elements such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transmission lines, voltage sources, current sources, and switches.

An electrical circuit is a network that has a closed loop, giving a return path for the current. A network is a connection of two or more components, and may not necessarily be a circuit.

Electrical networks that consist only of sources (voltage or current), linear lumped elements (resistors, capacitors, inductors), and linear distributed elements (transmission lines) can be analyzed by algebraic and transform methods to determine DC response, AC response, and transient response.

A network that also contains active electronic components is known as an electronic circuit. Such networks are generally nonlinear and require more complex design and analysis tools.

* 1 Design methods
* 2 Electrical laws
* 3 Network simulation software
o 3.1 Linearization around operating point
o 3.2 Piecewise-linear approximation
* 4 See also

[edit] Design methods

To design any electrical circuit, either analog or digital, electrical engineers need to be able to predict the voltages and currents at all places within the circuit. Linear circuits, that is, circuits with the same input and output frequency, can be analyzed by hand using complex number theory. Other circuits can only be analyzed with specialized software programs or estimation techniques.

Circuit simulation software, such as VHDL and HSPICE, allows engineers to design circuits without the time, cost and risk of error involved in building circuit prototypes.
[edit] Electrical laws

A number of electrical laws apply to all electrical networks. These include:

* Kirchhoff's current law: The sum of all currents entering a node is equal to the sum of all currents leaving the node.
* Kirchhoff's voltage law: The directed sum of the electrical potential differences around a loop must be zero.
* Ohm's law: The voltage across a resistor is equal to the product of the resistance and the current flowing through it (at constant temperature).
* Norton's theorem: Any network of voltage and/or current sources and resistors is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source in parallel with a single resistor.
* Thévenin's theorem: Any network of voltage and/or current sources and resistors is electrically equivalent to a single voltage source in series with a single resistor.

* See also Analysis of resistive circuits.

Other more complex laws may be needed if the network contains nonlinear or reactive components. Non-linear self-regenerative heterodyning systems can be approximated. Applying these laws results in a set of simultaneous equations that can be solved either by hand or by a computer.
[edit] Network simulation software

More complex circuits can be analyzed numerically with software such as SPICE or GNUCAP, or symbolically using software such as SapWin.
[edit] Linearization around operating point

When faced with a new circuit, the software first tries to find a steady state solution, that is, one where all nodes conform to Kirchhoff's Current Law and the voltages across and through each element of the circuit conform to the voltage/current equations governing that element.

Once the steady state solution is found, the operating points of each element in the circuit are known. For a small signal analysis, every non-linear element can be linearized around its operation point to obtain the small-signal estimate of the voltages and currents. This is an application of Ohm's Law. The resulting linear circuit matrix can be solved with Gaussian elimination.
[edit] Piecewise-linear approximation

Software such as the PLECS interface to Simulink uses piecewise-linear approximation of the equations governing the elements of a circuit. The circuit is treated as a completely linear network of ideal diodes. Every time a diode switches from on to off or vice versa, the configuration of the linear network changes. Adding more detail to the approximation of equations increases the accuracy of the simulation, but also increases its running time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

HP Officejet 6000 Printer

HP Officejet 6000 Printer

Fast, network-ready printing
• Professional color documents for lowest cost per page vs. in-class inkjets
• Cuts energy use by up to 40% compared with lasers

HP Designjet 110plus Printer

HP Designjet 110plus Printer

Fast printing: up to 11 pages/min letter, 90 seconds/page A1/D size
• C-size tray and two media paths that support sizes from postcard to 24" posters
• Prints everything from CAD designs to presentations, oversized graphics

HP laptop batteries recalled for overheating

HP laptop batteries recalled for overheating

After two reports of flaming laptop batteries, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced Thursday that Hewlett-Packard is voluntarily recalling 70,000 lithium-ion batteries that shipped with several models of its HP and Compaq laptops.

HP's Pavilion dv9500 is one of 21 HP laptops affected by Thursday's battery recall.

(Credit: CNET)
The recall affects nine models of HP Pavilions, nine models of Compaq Presarios, two models of HPs, and one HP Compaq laptop model sold between August 2007 and March 2008. For the full list, see the CPSC's site.

There were two separate reports of batteries that "overheated and ruptured, resulting in flames/fire that caused minor property damage" but no injuries, according to the CPSC report.

HP is instructing consumers who may be part of the recall to remove the battery from their notebook and contact HP to find out if theirs is affected. HP says it will provide a free replacement battery. For more information, see HP's Battery Replacement Program site.

Palo Alto, Calif.-based HP is the world's largest computer vendor, and like many of its peers in the industry has been part of several similar battery recalls. The most recent incident involved 100,000 Sony-made batteries faulted for overheating late last year. HP had sold 32,000 of the affected batteries in its laptops. But that was tiny by comparison to the massive recall caused by Sony batteries in 2006.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nokia N96

Nokia N96

hats New? Nokia N96 Designed for video & TV Entertainment.
Immerse yourself in entertainment with high-quality video, on Nokia N96's brilliant 2.8" display & with superb sound. Nokia N96 has 16 GBs of memory to take your videos, music & other content, further expandable with memory card slot. Nokia Video Center to find more internet videos for download. Nokia N96 has 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss Optics, camcorder function with video light. Integrated A-GPS & rich maps. Connect to the internet in multiple ways.
Dimension 103 x 55 x 18 mm, 92 cc
Weight 125 g
Battery Talk time Up to 3 h 40 min, Stand-by Up to 220 h
OS Symbian OS 9.3, S60 rel. 3.2
Memory 128MB RAM, 256MB storage Memory + Nokia N96 has 16 GB of internal memory + Extendable microSD (TransFlash)
Connectivity Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP, USB, GPRS Class 32 (107 / 64.2 kbps), HSCSD, EDGE Class 32 (296 kbps; DTM Class 11, 177 kbps), 3G (HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps), WLAN (Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g)
Display Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.8 inches
Display Colour TFT, 16M colors
Frequency / Band GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 (3G: HSDPA 2100 / 900)
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, RSS reader
Colors Black
Entertainment DVB-H TV broadcast receiver, MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA player, Stereo FM Radio with RDS, TV out, 3.5 mm audio output jack, Games
Camera 5 MP, 2592x1944 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, video(30fps), flash; 2ndary VGA videocall camera
Other Features Nokia N96 has a Dual slide design, Built-in GPS receiver, Built-in handsfree
Ring Tones Polyphonic (64 channels), True Tones, MP3
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Price Price in Rs: 36,500 Price in USD: $437

BlackBerry Bold

BlackBerry Bold 9000

hats New? BlackBerry Bold 9000 - Be Bold
Accept no substitutes. The BlackBerry® Bold™ 900 smartphone embodies elegant design – without sacrificing the features or functionality you expect from a premium smartphone. BlackBerry Bold 900 connects you, helping you stay on top of your day. With BlackBerry® Bold™ 900 camera and video recording, you can capture and share the moment with just a few clicks. BlackBerry® Bold™ 900 - The BlackBerry Experience: No Compromises
Dimension 114 x 66 x 15 mm
Weight 136 g
Battery Talk time Up to 4.5 h, Stand-by Up to 324 h
OS BlackBerry
Memory 1 GB Built-in (128 MB RAM) + microSD Card (microSDHC, up to 8 GB)
Processor 624 MHz
Connectivity Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP, USB, GPRS Class 10 (48 kbps), EDGE Class 10 (236.8 kbps), 3G (HSDPA 3.6 Mbps), WLAN (Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g)
Display Size 480 x 320 pixels (Full QWERTY keyboard with Backlighting)
Display Colour TFT LCD 65K colors (Light sensing screen)
Frequency / Band GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 (HSDPA 850 / 1900 / 2100)
Browser HTML
Colors Black
Entertainment Media player MP3/WMA/AAC+, 3.5 mm stereo headset jack, Video player DivX/WMV/XviD/3gp, Games (built-in + downloadable)
Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, LED flash, Video
Other Features Keyboard backlighting Trackball navigation, BlackBerry maps, Built-in GPS, Document editor (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Speakerphone
Ring Tones Polyphonic ringtones – MIDI, SP-MDI, MP3, WAV (LED indicator)
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Price Price in Rs: 45,000 Price in USD: $539

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HP TouchSmart 300z series

HP TouchSmart 300z series

Sleek, multi-touch All-in-One PC with HD display, integrated webcam and wireless LAN

* Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
* AMD Athlon(TM) II 235e dual-core processor [2.7GHz, 2MB L2, up to 4000MT/s bus]
* 2GB DDR3-1066MHz SODIMM [1 DIMM]
* 320GB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive
* Wireless-N LAN card
HP TouchSmart 300z series

[HP Pavilion All-in-One MS220z series] Demo HP Pavilion All-in-One MS220z series

[HP Pavilion All-in-One MS220z series]
HP Pavilion All-in-One MS220z series

4.6 out of 5 4.6 out of 5 stars (14 reviews)
Space-saving All-in-One PC with integrated HD display and wireless LAN

* Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
* AMD Athlon(TM) II 250u dual-core processor [1.6GHz, 2MB L2, up to 3600MT/s bus]
* 320GB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive
* Wireless-G LAN card

HP Pavilion dv6t series

HP Pavilion dv6t series

Look cool and handle the toughest tasks in this 16" high def display laptop. Includes the latest Intel Core i3 and i5 processors

* Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
* Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-330M Dual Core processor (2.13GHz, 3MB L2 Cache)
* 3GB DDR3 System Memory (2 Dimm)
* 320GB 7200RPM SATA Hard Drive with HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection
* Intel(R) HD Graphics - For i3 and i5 Processors

Monday, May 3, 2010

Be Modern Group "Olsen" wall mounted fire

Be Modern Group "Olsen" wall mounted fire

Enjoy the captivating style of our Be Modern Olsen wall mounted fire with its illuminated flame effect and a contemporary brushed steel fascia. Make electrical heating not only a practical household feature, but a style statement with this flat-to-wall (with fixings) heater. realistic pebble bed creates a subtle nuance of peace and tranquillity with this electric fireplace from Be Modern Fires relax in front of this thermostat-controlled electric fire heater – the ultimate in 21st century living Useful info: 1 kW and 2 kW heat settings dimensions: height: 48cm x width: 86.5cm x depth: 16cm finish: brushed steel fascia with black edging uses low energy bulbs BE MODERN helpline: 0191 489 8006. More...

HTC P3350

HTC P3350

Whats New? A slim and stylish PDA phone with HTC Media Hub to provide one-stop access to multimedia entertainment, for multimedia on the move the HTC P3350 has it all. It is a powerful mobile device that gives you all the PDA features you need - but so much more.
Dimension 108 x 58 x 16.8 mm
Weight 130 g
Battery Talk Time Up to 4 h, Standby Time Up to 200 h
Memory 64 MB RAM, 128 MB ROM, + microSD Memory Card, 200 Mhz processor
Connectivity Bluetooth v2.0, USB, GPRS Class 10 (48 kbps), EDGE Class 10 (236.8 kbps), WLAN (Wi-Fi 802.11b/g)
Display Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.8 inches
Display Colour TFT touchscreen, 65K colors
Frequency / Band GSM 850 / GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML (PocketIE)
Entertainment Pocket Windows Media Player, Games, MP3/AAC player, FM radio, Video/audio album
Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video
Ring Tones Polyphonic, MP3
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Price Price in Rs: 38,000 Price in USD: $455

Sunday, May 2, 2010



When looking for an entertainment notebook that costs less than $1,000, you have to decide what bells and whistles you can live without, and what’s most critical to an optimal experience. The ASUS N61Jv-X2 gets it mostly right. For $899, users get an Intel Core i5 processor, Nvidia GeForce GT325M graphics, and a handsome design. Plus, the N61Jv is the third notebook we’ve tested with Nvidia’s Optimus technology, which means it can seamlessly switch between its powerful Nvidia GPU and the more energy-efficient integrated graphics for more battery life. However, we’re not sure how much of a benefit this feature is in a 6-pound laptop, which raises the question as to whether ASUS made all the right decisions in building this value-priced multimedia machine.

Unlike the U30Jc or the UL50, the lid of the N61Jv is glossy with a subtle wavy pinstripe pattern, much like the K42F. This looks cool, but it doesn’t do a great job of hiding fingerprint smudges. Inside, however, ASUS has made several interesting design changes. The palm rest is rubberized, making it very comfortable to the touch.

Above the chiclet-style keyboard is the most striking feature: a silver speaker bar perforated by tiny holes. At the right side is a circular chrome power button encircled by a backlit ring; on the other side are buttons to control multimedia playback and to launch the ExpressGate Instant-On environment. At either end of the silver bar are two translucent strips that light up blue when the notebook is on. All in all, it has a very retro-chic look, like something Braun might have designed in the 80s.

Weighing 6 pounds even, the N61J is a bit heavier than most notebooks in its class, most of which have smaller 15.6-inch screens. The Samsung R580, for example, weighs 5.6 pounds. However, the N61Jv, at 15.4 x 10.6 x 1.1—1.5 inches, cuts a thinner profile to the R580’s 16.2 x 10.7 x 1.3—1.6 inches.

After we played a Hulu video at full screen for 15 minutes, we were pleased to see that the N61Jv kept its cool; the touchpad measured 93 degrees Fahrenheit, the space between the G and H keys was just 91, and the middle of the underside was 89 degrees. The hottest place we measured was by the vent, which topped off at a reasonable 95 degrees.